Wednesday, July 16, 2008

…as love is…

“Young love is about wanting to be happy. Old love is about wanting someone else to be happy.” - Dr. Mary Pipher, PhD

-Young as maybe but so purest, sweet, innocent and fragile

-It may show possessiveness but reflects truest amongst

-Seemingly selfish but never keep you stay whenever you’re no longer happy

-It can let you go even if it cause lifetime grieving

-Always loves to see you safe and happy in a distance

Walk away. Don’t turn around now for you may see me crying….


Anonymous said...


But nothings beats LETTING GO and SEEING "HIM" Happy right???

...and it turm we have a happy heart too.. kze masaya sya diba?? *wink*

Anonymous said...

Hi ping! glad to hear from you again!

If he is happy I too am happy..nyahaha!

Let's celebrate and be happy!uu