Monday, March 23, 2009

The Suyo-Cervantes Road way finish

“Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence.” – lin yutang

I bet the biggest hope my dear ancestors lived with that reached today’s generation has never in their wildest imagination will likely to happen. However the long awaited dream has now turned into reality. And I think, of all wait this is the best of them. Now, it’s just few steps away from every doorstep of most household in town – the completion of Suyo-Cervantes road. I must say the grace has been extra-beneficial for this two neighboring towns, as well as with the provinces near east.

the stretch of the road finally paved, connected to Urzadan bridge

stone masonry w/ weeds already

the ravine between Brgys. Urzadan and Uso

Am sure you can no longer figure out where this is. This is now the “Lipay Bridge

going zig-zag and up to Cervantes. before the Tirad Pass

(Appreciation is given to those who work hard in the completion of the road.
Of course I won't forget ITDPCL, DPWH and KEI Engr’s, you guys all did a job well done)


perpie said...

wow, tara pasyal na tayo

emjas said...

soon gayyem..:)