Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A visit to Suyo

Once in a while I checked to see the location of the incoming visitors through the page’s site meter. I have seen they’re in some parts of Europe, across North America and of course Asia. Most of the referring URL seeks for Suyo-Cervantes Road, Chico River and the town itself-Suyo.

It is probably most of us who left our birthplace decades ago are longing to be home once again. Amidst struggles, determination and sacrifices we can’t help but missed home. No matter what, home is really where the heart is.

Please follow the link below to give you an idea what’s our place looks like nowadays. It’s a magnificent video to travel with you while considering yourself for a grand home vacation.


Have a happy and safe trip!

(At this time some faces of the road may vary at the time the video was taken. Updates will be posted later.)

(Thanks for the link L. Valdez of Seaside Park)

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